
Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama's Muslim Appeasement

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit

Islamic Coup on the White House

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, in which President Obama told him that he was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.

Finally, during the week of 14-18th of January 2010, just on the eve of my winter tour to the US, Rachel picked up a Nile TV broadcast in which Egyptian Foreign Minister Abul Gheit said on the "Round Table Show" that he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel. (more here)

This is according to Israel Today here. Here is the passage from the May 2010 issue of "Israel Today." It is on page 3 in an article titled "Obama, a 'Strategic Catastrophe,'" by Aviel Schneider:

The feeling among the Israeli public is that Obama is appeasing the Muslim world at the expense of Israel. “The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV.

That could explain why Obama has instructed that the term “Islamic extremism” no longer be used in official government documents and statements. Furthermore, the US is now accusing Israel of harming American interests in the Middle East. General David Petraeus, the head of US Central Command, said Israel’s intransigence on resolving the conflict with the Palestinians is endangering US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even the US Congress considers Obama’s behavior toward Netanyahu humiliating. Three-quarters of the House of Representatives, 337 of 435 members, signed a bipartisan letter to Clinton expressing “deep concern over recent tension” between the two countries, and demanding that it be smoothed over quickly and in private.

“Obama is a real problem for Israel,” a senior official told told Yediot. “He is Israel’s biggest strategic catastrophe.” The newspaper also quoted another official who believes that for the first time Washington has switched sides. “The Obama White House is putting pressure only on Israel but does not expect anything from the Palestinians,” he said. “These American demands are unacceptable.”

Egyptian minister: Obama told me he is a Muslim News that Matters hat tip PV

Obama told me he is still a Muslim, who supports the Muslim agend
This was a statement by Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Nile-TV. It was made on the «Round table show».

This is the statement recorded:

Adul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the US President told him that He was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the step son of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.

Adul Gheit claimed Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health care reform, he would show the Muslim World how to deal with Israel.

Source: Israeli magazine, Israel today.

This is akin to an SS officer getting elected president during WW II. Every country in the free world must be cognizant of such a catastrophic sea change in the leadership of the free world (as witnessed by events over the past year). This changes everything. He took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and yet he has gone around the world promoting Islam, the sharia (Islamic law).

The alleged exchange between Obama and Gheit would almost certainly have happened in early January 2010, when Gheit was in Washington, D.C. regarding "Mideast peace talks."

On Thursday, January 7, 2010, the Associated Press reported that "Clinton and Mitchell [were] scheduled to meet" with Gheit on Friday, January 8, 2010: ABC news here.

On Friday, January 8, 2010, Hillary Clinton and Gheit spoke with each other. The U.S. Department of State has provided video before the meeting: Department of State here.

On Saturday, January 9, 2010, NPR spoke with Gheit about his visit: (much thanks to Grant for the links).

This is devastating news, and yet no media is covering it. A stealth jihad on the White House. Remember, during his campaign, I and others were excoriated for using Obama's middle name. We were accused of implying he was a crypto-Muslim. We could not discuss his background, his Islamic schooling, his ties to Islam. However, I have meticulously documented his Muslim background in my soon-to-be-released book: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America (buy it now).

It became all too clear after his election how proud he was of his Muslim name, background and family. He made this plain when he gave his very first interview to Muslim media and boasted of these things. But bear in mind, it was verboten to speak of such things during the presidential campaign. That was the level of deceit and obfuscation and taqiya.

Al-Tabari's (d. 923) famous tafsir (exegesis of the Koran) is a standard and authoritative reference work in the entire Muslim world. Regarding 3:28, he writes: "If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels'] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harboring inner animosity for them. … Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers — except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them." Regarding 3:28, Ibn Kathir (d. 1373, second in authority only to Tabari) writes, "Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels'] evil may protect himself through outward show." As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad's close companion, Abu Darda, who said, "Let us smile to the face of some people [non-Muslims] while our hearts curse them"; another companion, al-Hassan, said, "Doing taqiyya is acceptable till the Day of Judgment [i.e., in perpetuity]. Source: "War and Peace - and Deceit - in Islam" by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama is a boldfaced liar. Why? Why lie if you have nothing to hide?

Of course, if Obama believes himself a Muslim, it was taqiya -- deception or lies to advance Islam. Which he performed brilliantly during his election: he lied with brazen contempt. And clearly his Islamic Jew-hatred is made painfully clear in his stunning rebuke of Israel.

Is it any wonder that his counter terror adviser speaks arabic, calls Jerusalem al quds and calls jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam"?

Adul Gheit claimed Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health care reform, he would show the Muslim World how to deal with Israel.

US President Barack Obama welcomes the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Aboul Gheit to the Nuclear Security Summit April 12, 2010,in Washington

We know that Gheit met with Obama in April 2010 in DC -- check out White

World Leaders and Heads of Delegation Attending the Nuclear Security Summit

Arab Republic of Egypt

His Excellency Ahmed Aboul Gheit

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt

They met more than once. Gheit had a private meeting with Obama in May 2009.

Egypt: Obama "The Boy King"

Worse yet, Gheit just last month called Israel "the enemy." This after Israel gave them the Sinai (which Israel had won in a defensive war and defended through another one) with all its oil in return for "peace."

Let's review:

March 2009, Obama declares the "war on terror" is over despite a dramatic increase in jihad war ops.

March 2009, he floats the idea that he will talk to violent, genocidal Hamas.

March 2009, he demands, recruits and insists that more Muslim Americans work in the Obama administration.

April 2009, Obama tells Europe to admit Islamic Turkey into EU, much to the consternation of the Europeans.

April 2009, Obama demands non-Muslims respect Islam (despite our differences) in a speech in Turkey.

April 2009, Obama in a speech from Turkey: "We are not a Christian nation."

April 2009, Dalia Mogahed, the first hijab-clad senior adviser to Obama on Muslim affairs says in an interview with terrorist- and jihad-supporting Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi's website, "Many have claimed that terrorists have 'hijacked Islam'. I disagree. I think Islam is safe and thriving in the lives of Muslims around the world. What the terrorists have been allowed to take over are Muslim grievances."

In April 2009, Obama lays groundwork for a partnership with Hamas.

May 2009, Obama promises to offer his "personal commitment" to Muslims.

May 2009, Obama calls America "one of the largest Muslim countries on the planet."

June 2009, Obama invites the Muslim Brotherhood, violent global jihadist group whose sole objective is a universal caliphate, to his speech to the ummah (Muslim community) in Cairo.

June 2009, Obama makes a stunning speech to the Muslim world from Al Azhar University in Cairo. It defies explanation.

July 2009, Obama reaches out to the violent jihadists of Hezb'allah.

July 2009, Obama creates a new office at the State department, Outreach to the Worldwide Muslim community, reporting directly to Hillary Clinton.

July 2009 State Department Welcomes Hamas Mouthpiece, Al-Quds TV, to DC to Film Propaganda.

Obama promises to close GITMO.

Obama is rebuked when plans are revealed for CIA prosecutions for 911 interrogations: Seven Ex-chiefs of CIA Oppose Case Review: ALL Sign letter to Stop CIA Persecutions.

In July, Obama sanctions the brutal crackdown of those marching for freedom in Iran and sides with the mullahcracy. He stands silent about the Iranian regime's mass executions, mass rape and murder.

July 2009, Obama plans to slash US nuclear arsenal.

September 2009. Bolton on Obama at the UN: "This is the most radical anti-Israel speech I can recall any president making" "I have to say I was very shaken by this speech."

October 2009, Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund.

November 2009, Fort Hood Jihad Cover up: Obama Urges Congress To Put Off Fort Hood Probe, Warns Against Turning Tragedy Into "Political Theater."

November 2009, Obama offers the Taliban control of the Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Kunar and Nuristan provinces, in return for a halt to the Taliban missile attacks on U.S. bases.

November 2009, Obama Reaches out to bloody Jihadis in the Philippines.

On Thanksgiving eve, Obama issues a special Hajj message to the world's Muslims.

December 2009, Obama's "Non-Religious" White House Christmas and No Christmas Gifts for his Kids.

February 2010, Obama names a Hafiz to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. "And as a hafiz of the Koran, [Hussain] is a respected member of the American Muslim community," Obama said in his message to the Doha meeting, using the term for someone who has mastered and memorized the Muslim holy book.

February 2010, Obama cuts US space program, orders NASA to work with Muslim countries.

February 2010, covering up for jihadists in the White House.

Obama's counter terrorism adviser, John Brennan, Involved in Obama Passport Breach.

March 2010, Obama Obsession with Islam: Calls 'entrepreneurship summit' with Muslims.

April 2010, Libyan Pres Gaddafi Praises Obama: "Barakeh Obama is friend" "He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported...."

May 2010, Obama's Counterterrorism Adviser Calls Jihad "Legitimate Tenet of Islam."

May 2010, White House Pro-Terrorism John Brennan Speechifies in Arabic, Equates Terrorists with Shoplifters, Lawmakers Call for his Firing.

June 2010, Obama equivocates on the jihad warship convoy (affectionately named a "flotilla" by the media): Obama "Expressed a Deep Regret Over Loss of [Jihadist] Life."

June 2010, Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN.

Press conference earlier this week: First flagless "President." Ouch. What a disgrace.

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America

Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 02:09 PM
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well, I had this predicted months ago. thank you Pamela for bringing this to the attention of the world.

Posted by: Mjolnir's Thunder
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 02:22 PM

We always knew he was a Muz didn't we! Good to see it out in the open. This must go viral.

The lying good for nothing two faced asshat. Impeach this streak of p*** before he inflicts any more damage on the USA and particularly Israel.

Posted by: dented
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 02:26 PM

Re: "first flag-lees president": the fabric behind his head is "damask" which is traditionally a silk material woven in Damascus, Syria.

Damascus could be seen in the same way that Cordoba is: a Christian city overrun and conquered by muslimes.

Posted by: juniper
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 02:58 PM

Aw shucks, Obama can't be a Muslim....

...because, to paraphrase John Lennon's famous comment, The Won is convinced that "Obama is bigger than Allah now."

Posted by: MarkJ
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 03:40 PM

Why is America saddled with this freak? How can this POS get away with talking about how 'HE' will 'deal' with Israel...How did we manage to elect a Caliph? Not even liberals are stupid enough to knowingly do that...If he is a Muslim, as he apparently admits, then he is also, a worshipper of the Prophet Mahound (Alternate spelling of Mohammad)...Mahoundians believe in the last days when Muslims will kill Jews, when even the tree's and rocks, say...'O Muslim there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him'...Is this the Mahoundian agenda Abdullah Obama supports? Is this how he will 'deal' with Israel, the Muslim way?

Now that we know he is a Muslim, can we be sure that is not his intent? Can he even be safe with any of America's secrets? He is the ultimate stealth jihadist...

A master of taqiyya, well almost a master, some of us can see right through him...The problem is how to eliminate him without doing anything illegal...

Now that a former Hawaiian election official has come forth and said Obama has no Hawaiian BC...That will give the birther movement some steam, but Obamas handlers have him really well insulated...He's almost like the Souix Indian ghost Riders, who could ride through a hail of bullets and never get hit...Sitting Bull did that himself even more spectacularly, but that is another story...Sitting Bull would have made a far better US president than Obama...

Posted by: duh_swami
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 03:55 PM

Tweeted this article.

Posted by: Maggie M. Thornton
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 04:04 PM

Hey there Maggie....I did too..This is one hellacious argument and anyone not lobotomized by liberalism can see Obama's an Agent of Islam inside the wire.

Posted by: Chicago Ray
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 04:08 PM

Great post. I especially like the list of evidence. Excellent.

Posted by: Pastorius
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 04:14 PM

Islam found enough useful-idiots in the USA to fall for this charade where the Islamofascists exploit the white-guilt and incite Afro-Americans to have disdain for the USA for what Bush was preceived as being.But how insulting and Racist for Muslim Imam's to presuppose that non-whites are prone to violence and stupidity where a few trinkets of "Hope" for Justice will some how absolve all Afro-Americans of any debts or Mortgages.This mind set by Obama and Islam is worse than the Huck Finn book that uses the "N" Jim reference for the raft journey down the river to help a slave escape.

Awhile back I saw a dangerous pattern of appeasement to the oppressors and abusers within the Islamofascists movement in the USA and Globally,I also saw a complete failure by Obama to show any outrage or anger from any Injustice or crisis.He reminded me of Khoffi Annan from the U.N. who spoke in his usual monotone passive rythmic baritone voice even during the massive slaughters in Africa with the Rhwanda and Darfur references.

I get really worried around people that have no expression of anger or emotion for any issue because it appears as a sign of being void for any compassion or respect for Human Life to defend the weak and oppressed.I have no fear in saying that I am still waiting for the American President that was supposed to replace George Bush,for now all I see is a hollow puppet acting like the leader and is well beyond the Expiry date for the "Hope & Change" tripe that was spewed during the Taqqiyah crusade by CAIR,ICNA,ISNA,MAS,and most of the Useful-Idiots following the crumbs to the slaughter house.

There is a youtube video of the Acting 1st Lady where she makes a verbal slip to admit her Acting President husband is Kenyan by birth as she milks the 'Humble Roots' as a oppressed minority that rose to be the Acting president.

At the current rate of the USA being dismantled and prepared for a caliphate ruled by Shariah law, I predict a serious Civil war incited by the Islamofascists that assume the Americans are soft and gutless based on the Global image now seen for Obama.Muhammed may have been good at beating up females and fooling his followers that God spoke to him and blessed him with his rape of a 9 year old girl,but his pathetic life of mass murders and beheadings of civilians won't sell in North America to the more enlightened that have tasted freedom and saw relatives die to preserve it.

Some Muslims have been fooled into believing that Allah allows them to murder children for a Global caliphate in the future,but I'm willing to die for our children to have a future with freedoms and free of Terorism or legalized pedophilia created by a sick and twisted person that heard voices in his head claiming they were a Prophet.

Know Islam - NO Peace

NO Islam - KNOW peace


I fed up with being expected to tolerate the intolerant or be one of the 5.5 billion non-Muslims living with the Psychological Jihad terrorism death threat because 1.2 Billion Muslims assert that they neither have the brains or power to seek out and stop those "Few" misunderstanders of the peaceful God loving Quranic teachings.

Allah knows where I live,let him come to my home and kill me if he's so powerful and hates us filthy infidel pigs.

Posted by: Gary
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 04:19 PM

I wonder if President Obama understands how weak his position is within the Islamic world. He is not really from Arab culture. As soon as he does just about anything, he will likely be seen as an apostate by a majority of Muslims. I just don't see how any American Muslim could ever match up to anyone born and raised in a Middle Eastern country. Maybe I am all wet, but I don't like how our President can be even considered to have more in common with our enemies than he has with us.

We are in BIG trouble. And it really has yet to get rolling.

Posted by: Joe Six-Pack
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 04:50 PM

Well, I had thought the best case scenario was that Obama was merely a hard-Leftist who shared the same hatreds of America that Muslims do. I was wrong. He really is a Muslim.

Pamela, just one point I might add if Obama tries to weasel his way out of this one. One of the claims he's made is that he hasn't attended church because he can't find one that he likes or found time to attend at all. Now, all jokes about Rev. Wrong aside, it's another lie. Right across the street from the White House is St. John's Episcopal Church. Virtually every president has attended at one time or another simply because of the convenience. I suppose Obama his his enablers in the MSM will try to keep on claiming he's a 'Christian' but it's clear that it was a veneer for covering up his Muslim fiath to help him get elected as president.

The barbarians aren't at the gates, they're in the White House.

Posted by: Jim
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 04:58 PM

What is this Round Table that the Egyptian Minister was on, is it tv or radio? If it is tv, maybe there is a video out there somewhere??

Posted by: dented
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:06 PM

Wow...I never thought...What?...Hussein!????...never seen it coming!

Posted by: Pv
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:14 PM

I am reading Apollyon Rising 2012.. and America was set up to be the new Atlantis by the Masons and Obama is the man to push the new world order in which America will be the capital of the world,, but under Satan...

Obama is ANTICHRISTIAN and here might be why:

A Hadith sacred to Shiite Islam from the 17th century contains a prophesy from Ali ibn Abi-Talib, which predicts that just before the return of the Mahdi, a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West." This leader will command "the strongest army on earth" and will bear "a clear sign" from the 3rd imam, Hussein. The prophesy concludes that: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us."

Obama's first and middle names mean 'the blessing og Hussein' in Arabic and Persian, while his last name in Persian alphabet O Ba Ma, means "he is with us"

obviously this strongest army might be his CIVILIAN SECURITY FORCE!!!!


Posted by: debrobeaudean
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:22 PM

As jewish israeli i do not see the problem what if mr obama is muslem.

jews and muslems most times go well together and big catastrofes like we had in christian european countries never happend in countries under islam rule.

under WOII most jews where saved by arab countries. and yes some arabs worked and wanted to help the germans, but relatively very few compared to the amount of europan christians who helped the germans killing my people.

The palastinian - israeli conflict is no jewish-muslem conflict.

and should not be made of it cause israel and yehadut is not against the islam.

if it is a religious conflict than, how strange for some people migthbe, it is a conflict between suni and sheiit

Posted by: rafiq ait said
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:37 PM

He is Kaka

Posted by: Pv
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:38 PM

rafig...well now it is a religious conflict between muslims and with your little head...

Posted by: Pv
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:52 PM

While I first got wind of this back 8 months ago, I could not, and still can't, find an audio or video of Gheit's comments on Nile TV or anyplace else. I don't doubt that what he says is true, I've believed that to be so since King Hussein first appeared on the national stage. His socialist comments and pro-Islamic rhetoric since long before he was anything more than a street level activist only go to confirm what many of us believe, but I still want verifiable proof of Gheit's comments, if for no other reason than people won't believe it until they hear it for themselves, and then the minions and sheeple who follow him still won't believe it, until we are facing a battle for our very survival as a people, and as a nation. So, Ms. Geller, if you have a link to that broadcast, would you please share it with the rest of us?

Posted by: Cherokee
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 05:54 PM

You tried to tell them for the longest time, Pamela. They wouldn't listen :(

Posted by: Underzog
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 06:09 PM

As Walid Shoebat (AND Robert AND Pam) told us, "no true Muslim can be a loyal American citizen - because Muslims first loyalty must be found in Islam (and shariah law)". shariah law is - of course - in total opposition to the Constitution of the USA. If Mr. Obummah is truly a Muslim, then he took the oath of office fraudulently and MUST legally be removed. Pam, I think you have been telling us this all along. It is way passed time for our Congress to act. Obummah must go. Islam must go. Impeach, convict, deport. KAFIR AND PROUD!

Posted by: Wonderin1
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 06:31 PM

While we all sort of knew it, the confirmation is shattering. If he's got nothing to hide, why is hiding that he's Muslim? The only explanation can be taqiya. This also explains a great deal . . . all of the events you've listed here as well as his utter disdain and contempt for all things American, including American citizens. We're in big big trouble.

Posted by: Fuzzy
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 06:42 PM

Valid Shoebutt...that's Great Name!

Posted by: Pv
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 06:44 PM

I first saw this post over at IBA and I think it is absolutely essential that we get this pinned down. If Obama has stated to a witness -- and an official of a foreign government, at that -- that he is a Muslim, that is an impeaceable offense, and not just because he lied under oath. It effectively makes him an agent of a foreign power, the ummah, the followers of Islam, that is trying to take over the United States and replace the Constitution with Sharia. I agree with Wonderin1 in principle, though I'm not saying we can get this bastard impeached. But we have to establish the truth and know exactly what we are fighting. This is a quantum leap from "in over his head" or "psychologically unbalanced" or even socialist. We have established that Islam is not just a "religion" but in larger part a political system the declared aim of which is world conquest.

To Rafiq and the other trolls: Butt. Out. We are not playing games, as you are going to find out come November.

Earlier, if possible.

Posted by: lilredbird1
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 07:04 PM

If you want to know what Obama really is, check out the very end of his Cairo speech in the link below where he quotes from the Holy Koran, the "Holy Bible" and the TALMUD!! You couldn't possibly say a more un-Islamic thing than to suggest that the Talmud is a source of wisdom for Muslims. It is a FUNDAMENTAL first principle of Islam that the Talmud is a blasphemous "innovation" of Allah's message. Indeed, the very purpose of Mohammed's mission was to set the record straight and get humanity back on the correct path.

It is absolutely impossible that a true Muslim would say such a thing. So what is Obama, then? He's simply typical of any person who's lived his whole life as a student radical. If his stance contradicts and outrages all previous norms of tradition and rationality, then that's what he'll adopt. He can be Muslim Christian, black, white, tough guy, wimp. Frankly, folks, I almost wish he were a Muslim -- he'd be less dangerous. Actually, I think Pamela said it best, he's a Crypto Nazi

Some may say he was practicing Taqiyyah when he quoted the Talmud in front of Muslims. To which I reply: "Really, if he were trying to mislead Americans about his true nature, why wasn't this particular piece of dissembling known to anybody but me."

Posted by: me
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 07:06 PM

And yet the man keeps lying to the people that he is NOT a Muslim. He should be run out of office. I am gay and had hoped there would be some changes but I was proceeding with electing him under the impression that he was some denomination of Christian. Had I known he is a Muslim I would never have voted for him, nor would my spouse.

There needs to be an investigation and if found to be true, he should be run out of office.

Posted by: Ioan Lightoller
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 07:21 PM

I have been saying it since he got selected as a presidential candidate and I got poopoo'd by many.

I just rack up the examples of his being a muslim but figured he would admit to it sooner to the end of his presidency or hopefully when he got the boot. I am still hoping the freak gets the boot.

Posted by: staffsgt7
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 07:33 PM

You asked News that Matters, Pamela, for sourcing and after more than 100 comments, no source has been provided. I have sourced Gheits comments only as far as the Israel Today issue to which you have linked where the claim is made in two separate articles, neither providing sourcing beyond NileTV Round Table. The rest is circular sourcing by bloggers referencing each other.

After all these years, Pam, and your unsourced data proving to be true after long periods of time, I don't doubt the conversation between Gheit and Obama actually took place and those words were spoken. However, I still want to see the video and read the translated transcript.

Beyond that, Obama is a liar, he's duplicitous, and I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, the circumstancial evidence provided by Pam at Atlas Shrugs points overwhelmingly toward Obama being and has always been a Muslim.

Posted by: Indigo Red
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 07:55 PM

I wonder if MEMRI could help with finding a video or a recording?

Posted by: dented
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:09 PM

I finally foound the CAIR video with Nihad Awad telling the canadian media that CAIR had supported Maher Arar. I've been trying to educate people that CAIR launched a $400'000'000.00 Lawfare Suit against canada via Maher Arar who was a Syrian draft-Dodger that fled to canada at 17 and then Globe-trotted to a radical Boston Mosque and Middle east pro-Shariah nations or Jihadist nations. Even Omar Khadr fingered Arar as being in Afghanistan when Arar denied it all along.

Any way, if CAIR is now tied to Terrorism funding for Hamas,and Arar's wife is a pro-hamas palestinian refugee,and CAIR's Dr.Sheema Khan helped get the $10.4 million tax-free for a unproven torture Maher said happened in JORDAN....then this 2007 Video convicts Arar of outright Lies in canada to break the Tax laws with a false lawsuit to get tax-free income from Canadian tax payers.

Do not let Arar into the USA, I believe that when he fled Tunisia he was to meet with CAIR to be shuttled to a Mosque in Boston and hidden there as has been done in other Mosques.

CAIR and the Arar's ARE tied to Hamas and Palstinians terrorism,and Sheema Khan is now pulling a new sacm with her book interview on TVO where she pretends to oppose Shariah and was shocked that the Toronto 18 Muslim terrorists wanted to kill civilians.

Also catch the Al-Jezeera english youtube Arar interview which is new, in it he has no choice but to admit to his Boston ties for a home and radical Mosque,he squirms a lot as if to fabricate things or re-arrange in his head a really good lie wrapped in a veneer of truth.

I warned people about this weasel and the Hamas ties to CAIR and Sheem Khan when I posted on Jihad Watch, Arar did a head-fake when his anti-Bush American Lawyer stold the headlines with the bogus lawsuit against Bush and Chaney. Mean while in canada the $400'000'000.00 extortion Lawfare suit forced an Inquiry but expose a closet Sunni pro-hamas muslim with a gun permit and buddies in a Boston Jihadist Mosque.

God bless the 1st amendment by the forefathers that were fed up with the british rule to jail those speaking out on injustice and State impose relegion.

Also, here's Arar's Palestinian wife at a Pro-hamas rally in Ottawa canada,CAIR's main Office is in Ottawa and Arar lived there as well.

The Pro-terrorism mob hides behind the "freedom-Fighter" label,but a weasel by any other name......

Posted by: Gary
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:10 PM

By the way, anyone searching his name, MEMRI, are spelling his name like so: Ahmad Abu Al-Gheit

Posted by: dented
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:11 PM fascinating video...sexually depraved Egyptian female lawyer fantasizes watching jewish women being raped by arab men...

Posted by: Pv
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:20 PM

This was posted on Freerepublic (post number 57):

57 posted on 12 June 2010 10:47:14 by JohnQ1 ("I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow)

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To: DontTreadOnMe2009

I was going to post this as an independent thread a couple of days ago, but I haven't been feeling so great so I saved it for another day. Might as well post it here.

Can you ping it for me?


Everywhere you look, you are seeing evidence that obama is not JUST an islamic sympathizer, but an actual participant with the leaders of islamic governments to foment war in the Middle East against Israel, an American ally.

I know there are some on this forum that have little to no sympathy for Israel, but consider this, He is ALSO the COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the DECLARED ISLAMIC JIHAD AGAINST THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

RE: Geith / Obama query

xxxx xxxxx

-----Original Message-----

Just been trying to run down the story of the Egypt foreign minister talking about Obama being "still a muslim". No really big surprise there. Do you know if this thing is anywhere online in form of a clip?


There is a youtube video out there but I'm not sure which one.



“The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV."

Scroll down to Page 12


My wife Rachel, who monitors Arab language broadcasts for Israel Radio, picked up a revealing statementon the “Round Table Show” on Egypt’s Nile TV.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, who told him that he was a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father and stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Muslims, and that he was sympathetic to the Muslim agenda. He asked the Arabs to show patience.

Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American issues (like healthcare reform), he would show the Muslim world how he would deal with Israel.

Pro-Arab, so-called Christian presidents are one thing.But how concerned should we be if the US President is a Muslim who is loyal to the Muslim agenda to isolate and weaken Israel?

When the Palestinians talk about nothing but war with Israel and its annihilation, and the president of what was our strongest ally backs their demands for a state with Jerusalem as its capital, and adheres to the same faith, should we not be warning the American public?

By Victor Mordecai

This is Mordecao's Bio. Only posting a couple of snippets:

Dennis Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai was born in Flushing, New York, grew up in the greater New York City area and moved to Israel at age 19 in August 1968. Avi completed high school in New York and two years of college at New York University, Washington Square majoring in Sovietology and Spanish/Latin American studies at Hebrew University in 1971 (actual graduation in 1973).

During the period 1989-90 Avi worked as senior editor and translator in the News Department of the Government Press Office as part of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s Office at Beit Agron.

Avi has written four books: Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat? Christian Revival for Israel’s Survival, Islamic Threat Updates Almanac #1 and Israel’s Bible Bloc. The first three books were written under the pen name of Victor Mordecai for security reasons, but writes the fourth book under Dennis Avi Lipkin since he is running for the Israeli Knesset elections at the head of a Judeo-Christian Bible Bloc party called “Gush Hatanakhi” in Hebrew.

. Avi is married to Rachel, and Egyptian born Jewess who made Aliyah (immigrated) to Israel in 1969 and has worked for Israel’s Radio service in Arabic for the last 25 years monitoring Arabic language broadcast on radio and TV as well as newspapers.


THIS video is out there. It is confirmed that it exists. Please help me find it!

Hat tip to Bare Naked Islam which published this article on May 5, 2010.

Posted by: dented
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:37 PM

Thomas Jefferson said America had good and strong laws and will be safe as long as those laws are followed. He said that if america failed, it would be because og the judiciary. And we have the worst traitorous judges, just as in Nazi Germany --- there were thousands of cases brought against the Nazis, but they were always decided against the Nazis because the judges were bought or bribed or threatened or scared to death. There were also the show trials in Russia, a mockery of justice.

There are thousands of grounds to impeach Hussein Obama and his entire inner circle of criminals, all of them, there's nothing they aren't guilty of. There is no crime Obama has not committed, even the murder of the choir master at Trinity Church, Donald Young, who was Obama's long-year lover. The Clontons have a body count of over 300 murders, ncluding John Kennedy Jr whose plane was shot down by Clinton's order. Navy men who were sent to the scene of the "crash" testified that the fuselage was riddled with bullet holes and the tail blown off. The three bodies were burned beyond recognition and buried at sea, a practice reserved for military people. The evening before this "crash", John Jr. had a talk with Hillary at a party or a meeting, and left "looking pale and shaken". When Hillary was asked what she had said to him, she replied, "I advised him not to go into politics". He was on the verge of announcing either his candidacy for Senator from New York (which she wanted) or his decision to run for president (which she wanted to be). He would have been sure to win either of them. So the next day Bill sent out dozens of helicopters to shoot John's plane down. His wife was three months pregnant and the fetus was a boy --- another reason to get rid of the hated Kennedys. The testimonies of these Navy men who were sent to the scene were blood-curdling. I got this info at:

The Crimes of an American President by Mike Douglass, page 7: The Clintons Killed John Kennedy, Jr. --- This posting on Google has of course

now been pulled (for reasons of rights), but I read it and any lawyer could get access to this evidence.

There is also : Final Days --- Bill and Hillary's 11th hour Crime Spree at

www Hillary had millions of dollars worth of historical furniture and valuable objects in the White House packed up and sent to a warehouse in Arkansas.

There is also:

Hillary Clinton Murders, evidence of 47 murders and officials willing to testify at: www I have a copy of this, but as I said, the body count id upwards of 300.

The Clintons made millions every day by smuggling drugs across the Mexican border at

ena airport in Little Rock --- all you have to do is type in Crimes of the Clintons and you will get a waterfall of articles.

So these criminals are in our government and nobody does anything about it. Yes, America will fall because of the judiciary, and because people responsible for carrying out the law do not do their duty --- for example, the person or office who was responsible for determining that Hussein was eligible. The person who neglected to do this, or who was bought off,should be electrocuted. ACORN and CAIR have been casught red-handed breaking the law and committing heinous crimes, but they go merrily on year after year and nobody stops them, because the judiciary are corrupt or intimidated or don't give a damn. As loing as criminals are not brought to justice, criminals like Hussein Obama will just go on laughing at us for being the self-made victims we are.

Posted by: sarastro
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:44 PM

Sorry, I meant to say the trials in Germany were always decided against the people and FOR the Nazis.

Posted by: sarastro
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 08:46 PM blocking users with Isreli IP to enter that site...don't they know Dylan is Jewish?

Posted by: Pv
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:09 PM

It is Mena airport in Little Rock.

The fact that Hussein swore to uphold the Constitution and now is trying to ruin the Constitution is in itself grounds to hang him by the neck until dead. But where are the lawyers who will prosecute and where is the judge with the intestinal fortitude and simple patriotism to enforce the existing laws made to handle the situation we're in? I should think there would be many champing at the bit to do this because they would go down in history as the saviour of their country and be lionized for centuries to come. The creature sitting in our holy White House is a criminal, not even an American, and this is allowed??? Why aren't the generals in the military making citizens arrests, why do they keep on obeying a person who is trying to kill our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq??? These generals are also criminals for not keeping their oaths to protect their country from all enemies, foreign and abroad.

We need a new third party full of real Americans and trustworthy people. All congressmen should be dismissed and sent to Coventry. The military must be re-vitalized and the country cleansed of Islam. I am offended by the sight of a mosque in my country, because I know what is taught within its walls. I am offended by people wearing moslem clothes, because I know they are proclaiming their twisted,

brutal beliefs. I am offended by honor crimes because they declare the lack of honor and decency in those who commit them and those who pressure others to committ them. Do as you wish, Moslems, in Islamic countries, but not in my country.

Posted by: sarastro
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:11 PM

Another correction: I meant to say all enemies foreign and domestic. It is 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm tired, and also shaking with rage, so make mistakes.

Posted by: sarastro
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:15 PM

It's been one hell of an adventure for many folks the past few years.... some of us - like me - take it beyond very seriously. This is our nation and YOUR freedom and possibly your life and that of your family at stake.

I'm gonna get slammed for this comment post, but I don't care...... I gotta be honest.

I saw this news release here before there was one comment entered. I read it all - every word.

I didn't then and still haven't sent it to several people or pop it on my page at RedState for one reason and one reason only........ There’s no real solid 100% proof.

No video, no audio, no documentation that anyone knows of - yet.

The word of one guy who may or may not be even remotely trustworthy.

Deceive, lie, cheat, confuse the infidel...... all perfectly OK in the name of Islam to advance the agenda.

It’s called Taqiyya” - we all know that - fine and dandy. That's the way they roll.


Right now, it’s fairly obvious to anybody with even a modicum of a gubmint edumakashun that The President Of The United States is advancing an agenda at a high rate of speed towards a Euro-Socialist conversion of our nation with a Green-Statist bent on controlling everyday life.

I truly pray that the guy isn’t what he looks to be proving out to be by his actions..... a Marxist Jihadist..... a real one.

If this 'confession' is real, true, etc., and Pamela (who's been at the tip of the spear throughout the time) along with some of the supposed tin-foil-hat folks ’round here and other sites have been right all along with the scattered flimsy threads of shady evidence adding 1 + 1 + 1 but back then only getting 2.999 as a total........

Every single person in America had better be seriously awake because our nation will be literally set on fire via three levels: A holy war and a race war are the first two........ The third: Our economy stops - screech to an instant halt - in a span of maybe 30 seconds to a minute.

Thing is...... Our Dictator In Training Pants and his people know it..... They know it better than the average person trying to prove who and what he and his people really are.

Like The Big Guy would say on the air, ‘Don’t doubt me.’

The real crisis too good to waste.

November isn’t that far away. Let's pray - really pray and work towards making sure we make it that far and way beyond without blood in the streets.

Yes, I'm serious.

and yes, my signature is rather straightforward and some think inciting.... but it's honest. So was everything I wrote above.

No apologies whatsoever if I freaked out anyone who read my words.

Kenny Solomon

South Flori-duh.

American Jew.

Heavily Armed.

Never again means NEVER AGAIN !

I know who's ass to kick.

Posted by: Kenny Solomon
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:28 PM

And to think I thought the man I met in Ohio, before the elections, was foolish for thinking Obama was Muslim. After all, there was Rev. Wright. Sigh....

Posted by: Brianna
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:32 PM

I don't doubt this for a second, but I gotta have the video with a reliable translation before I own it.



Dear Paypal,

Threatening to shut down Atlas Shrugs/Pam Geller's Paypal account on the assertion it is hate speech is ABSURD.

It's a political blog which has sourced links throughout its reporting so that you can fact check easily. There are no calls to action, violent or otherwise. It's merely SPEECH.

Chavez in Venezuela JUST THIS WEEK invaded the home of the operator of the last TV station that aired programming in oppostion to him. That's what this is akin to and that's not who we are, and that kind of tyranny always starts small. Like with Paypal deciding "hate" speech even though there are no calls to action whatsoever which might result in harm.

Please, please, please don't do this. Especially in light of this:

UPDATE: Oh, the irony. Atlas reader Jon pints out that the inciters to violence and Jewish genocide, Revolution Muslim, has a paypal button. Got that?

Islam in Action has the videos of their calls to jihad slaughter. And this, too. Nice work, paypal.

Annie Fields

Marshfield, MA

Posted by: Annie Fields
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:33 PM

It seems there is vastly more evidence that Obama is Muslim than that he was born in Hawaii.

Of course, I'm just a right wing racist conspiracy nut.

Posted by: ParahSalin
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:43 PM

I don't doubt for a moment that he is Muslim. I am fearful that we haven't seen the worst of it. It terrifies me and makes me very sad that he is turning on Israel. I feel helpless, except for prayer. As a Christian, it has additional horrifying implications. He is evil. Each time he betrays America and Israel, I feel we are being "paid back" for something. I makes perfect sense that he is determined to get even with The Great Satan.

Posted by: IamOverhim
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:43 PM







_____________________________________________________________________________________ Now,as for LEFTY "dr" who posted:

"you bunch of paranoid conspriracy freak-a-zoids crack me up! Were you yelling for impeachment when we had war criminals in the white house? "


'dr" is among the LEFTY Jihad Enablers who are still ROLLING AROUND the TROUGH like the little pigs they are because A man with Dark Skin is President.

By the time the "dr's" of this world REALIZE that the Jihad they're ENABLING is GOING TO DEVOUR THOSE USEFUL IDIOTS when they have done what the JIHAD DEMANDS, it WILL BE TOO LATE!FOR THEM.




Posted by: Choi
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 09:46 PM

Really now does it matter that he is a "Muslim" practicing or not? How many "Christians" have we had in the White House and look and the sorry shape this country is in. Is this not America? Does America not stand for diversity? Isn't it drummed into every person that they can be anything they want in America regardless of the color of their skin, socioeconomic back ground, religion? So doesn't it stand to reason that eventually a non-Christian President would come to power? Or in your opinion is America and American politics only for the WASPS? And how foolish are you people to think that this President is going to change anything. And by change I mean laws, amendments, policy changes, reforms, ect. that are going to REALLY benefit the American people. He was put in power by the powers that be (the rich establishment) for a purpose, once he serves his purpose he will be removed and another will step in and do as he is told. That's how American politics works and that the way American politics has always worked. If your looking for politics, politicians, or reform to save this country your a terribly misguided sole. Stop looking for a scapegoat.

Posted by: Aurora
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:04 PM

Aurora :



Posted by: CHOI
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:10 PM

Pam, please seek psychiatric help. This is not gonna end well.

Posted by: Sirkowski
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:15 PM

While I accept that Obama has many Muslim sensibilities, I can not say his animus towards Israel is only a function of that. To me, he is still basically a Lefty. When he is with Muslims like Gheit, then he tries to make himself as Muslim as possible. Gives him street cred. Does he have Muslim loyalties? Yes, indeed. Does this mean he is on path to nuke Israel; I don't think so.

Let's not forget that Saudi Arabia, a very Muslim country (sadly) is de facto allied with Israel against Iran. Ideally, as an Israel citizen I'd want my neighbors to be Danes or something. Short of that it is impossible to base a policy on opposing all Muslim entities all the time, no matter what the relations between them. To make the point, should Bibi not cooperate with the Saudis against Iran? I think the answer is obvious.

Back to the source. I don't know what a Jewish-Christian Tanachi bloc means. This sounds like a group in which Evangelicals have been given a platform. We Jewish Israelis know that part of the Christian purpose in Israel is to convert as many Israeli youth as they can, and they are working on it. The Christian-Jewish Alliance Against Jihad is important, but there should be limits and barriers. I am really not interested in rebuilding the Temple so that the (Christian) Messiah can rule from it. I know this is one of the meanings of the phrase 'we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.'

Christians should change that to "...Jewish Jerusalem" and we'll feel better. For conservative American Jews, I know this makes some of you very angry. So be it.

Posted by: slice
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:23 PM

This foreseeable development is probably The Most Humiliating act against Islam that I've heard in a long time. Since he is Muslim, and unequivocally denies it, in essence he's saying Islam is a Pariah which he does not want to be associated with! When was the last time you denied to have association with something you see in a positive light? I rest my case! Now all that's left to do is IMPEACH Farack Hussien!!! From my mouth to God's ears!

Posted by: RAWni
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:25 PM

Kenny Solomon, unfortunately I do believe what you wrote is true. We are on the brink of catastrophe. I am not freaked out by your words and only wish I was able to live in LaLa land, like so many. I so appreciate Atlas and these articles and comments by others who "get it" and will fight the evil. I too believe we need to arm ourselves with knowledge and with lead. Unfortunately many of our fellow Jews have become so stinkin' liberal/progressive/socialist that they cannot see ANY thread of reality. Just none. They are actually JINO's-Jews in name only and are NOT the real deal. I love America, Israel and the free world and will NOT go down without a fight. I pray it does'nt come to that but things are escalating at warp speed and we don't even know the half of it. No truer words have been spoken, NEVER AGAIN!!!

Posted by: Mimi
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:27 PM

From OxAO’s list found in the comments here:

Original birth certificate ——————————————Unavailable

Soetoro/Dunham marriage license ———————— Unavailable

Soetoro adoption records-————————————— Unavailable

Dept.of Education Hawaii Kindergarten Records—Unavailable

Punahou School records-——————————————Unavailable

Occidental College records- ——————————————Unavailable

Obama the poet (Occidental College):

“Pop takes another shot, neat, Points out the same amber Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and Makes me smell his smell, coming From me…”

Dr. John C. Drew claimed to know Obama at Occidental Collage (only person so far):

“He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view, which anticipated that there would be a revolution of the working class, led by revolutionaries, who would overthrow the capitalist system and institute a new socialist government that would redistribute the wealth,” says Drew, who says he himself was then a Marxist.

Was Obama a Committed Marxist in College?

Columbia College ——————————————————Unavailable

Columbia thesis ———————————————————Unavailable

(Topic: Nuclear Disarmament, written during Cold War ’83)

Harvard College records -——————————————Unavailable

Harvard Law Review articles ———————————— Unavailable

(Evidence that one may have been written, yet it is unsigned)

Baptism certificate ——————————————————Unavailable

Medical records -———————————————————Unavailable

Illinois State Senate records -————————————None

Illinois State Senate schedule ————————————Lost

Law practice client list ———————————————— Not released

University of Chicago scholarly articles –—————— None on file

Indonesian Besuki School Application—————————Located

(Enrolled with name Barry Soetoro-faith “Islam”)

Selective Service Registration- -— Released, but suspected as fraudulent


can we really take the word of an Egyptian Minister in a round table discussion on Nile TV?

There is concern and apprehension among some northern bloggers that it may have been a little early to run with this.

As for me, give ‘em hell. As OxAO reminded me,

“Obama’s number he is a Connecticut number: 042-68-4425

he never lived in Connecticut, yet you can only be issued a SSN from the location you live at.

But he has other numbers. We don’t know how many number he has used. But since he was in politics they have him officially using a good number of different SSN.

Remember you can only have one number. This was brought up in court but the person making the charge didn’t have standing in court. It would seem only a State, country or McCain could charge him with this fraud.”

Stay the course and Gods bless.

Posted by: Kaffir_Kanuck
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:28 PM

Impeach the motherfuc%er before it's too late! High Crimes and misdemeanors, indeed.

Posted by: Dagny Taggart
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:44 PM

@ Kenny, As I posted in the Ding...dong....the Wicked Witch thread, I don't believe we have until November if Marxists and history is our guidepost.

Posted by: Dagny Taggart
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:48 PM

The number of trolls commenting to this blog post, each one appearing to comment from a different POV, indicates that this blog post is factual, even if published without a cited source. It's been well established for months now that small troops of Obot trolls always arrive en masse to post their ACORN-approved rebuttals to the most damning Oilbama reports and pieces at conservative news and blog sites. They don't bother to comment on Oilbama pieces that are "old news" or are closer to neutral than to damning for The Won. When their masters direct them to your posted article, then you know you just hit them very close to home.

Posted by: AuntieMadder
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:10 PM

OK, I sent out the link to this page to a few friends, some in politics, some in the media, a few are my very good 2A friends around the nation.

This thing - real or otherwise - has a chance of getting out of hand VERY quickly in either direction and putting some folks in real danger, including those around the President who are sworn to protect him and his family at all costs - at all costs...... I view 'The Detail' as the ultimate in LE for respect and honor - they know exactly why they are doing their job and do it better than anyone in any nation.

Pamela, take my advice PLEASE..... Y'all need to up your security too, change your daily patterns, etc...... I'm not joking. You're also in the second worst place in America to defend yourself legally (DC is the worst) and I don't mean with a firearm.... I mean actually defending yourself against someone who means you physical harm.

And as for this page.... the trolls, some folks on 'our side' and others typing just to see your words in print somewhere........ Y'all need to chill out.... all of you.

Do you have ANY idea the magnitude of the insanity some of you are spouting on all sides ?

Do some of you really want to physically harm or incarcerate people who you don't believe have the right to their own opinions ? Do you understand the magnitude of what will occur if you ever try to exercise that option ?

On to others..... Do you really want the spectacle of a President Of The United States being taken out of The White House in handcuffs or worse..... by force ?

I've a question for those of you who do on either end of the spectrum........ What then ?

Who's next ?

Who's next to go ?

Who's next in the office ?

This is NOT France in 1789.

This is The United States Of America.

We're better than that and if we're not careful - very careful - we'll sink lower than what happened back then during The French Revolution.

We are not a nation run by mob rule.

America is also not a democracy.

The United States Of America is a representative republic - a union of independent states with a federal base that exists to help secure the union..... and just about everyone seems to have forgotten that, leading us right here --- to the brink of our own demise as a free people.

Wake the hell up before you get the 3am knock at your door.


Posted by: Kenny Solomon
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:16 PM

I fed up with being expected to tolerate the intolerant or be one of the 5.5 billion non-Muslims living with the Psychological Jihad terrorism death threat because 1.2 Billion Muslims assert that they neither have the brains or power to seek out and stop those "Few" misunderstanders of the peaceful God loving Quranic teachings.

This is one of the most common sensical things I've heard or read in a long time. Thanks.

Posted by: AuntieMadder
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:17 PM

Yikes. I have another theory to add to the pile. Obama Senior was not his Daddy. I think his Daddy was Franklin Marshall Davis, well known and active communist. Compare the physical characteristics (Google pictures) of Obama with Obama Senior and then with Franklin Marshall Davis. Davis is a spitting image. Tall, lighter skinned, thicker featured that Obama Senior. Note the hair line and lips. I think this is some of what is being hidden and have thought so ever since seeing these pics. Davis was a long time mentor to the young Obama. The communist association would never have flown to get him elected. Actually, I am astounded how stupid a great deal of Americans are. Just look around...staring at their telephones using their thumbs to communicate. Reminds you of some of our closest animal relatives.

Posted by: Judith
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:46 PM

Kenny, what the hell are you ranting about?

Are you saying we should shut up because what -- you've been talking to paranoids who think there are going to be mobs storming the White House? Were they saying the same things when people were in the streets with BusHitler signs? What is all this yadda about "mob rule"? Is that what they are calling the upcoming November midterm elections now? That's how we make change in this country, in case you've forgotten.

Exactly what is "insane" about pointing out the verified actions of the current POTUS? It has been made clear that the claim about the Gheit statement is noted but not yet confirmed. Is there something that equates observing that Obama has shown every sign of being socialist, pro-Muslim, anti-Israel, and consistent in appointing radicals to his administration? Are we supposed to expect a 3 am knock on the door over that?

Because if we do get a 3 am knock on the door over critcizing the current administration, that will rather prove our point, won't it.

Posted by: lilredbird1
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:49 PM

Very credible stuff.

Posted by: Slocum
Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:57 PM

A correct translation of the title of Obama's book would have been "Keberanian Harapan: Pemikiran Untuk Meraih Kembali Impian America" which translates into "Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming The American Dream". However, the title for the Indonesian translation of Barack Obama's book is "Menerjang Harapan: Dari Jakarta Menuju Gedung Putih" which translates into "Assault Hope: From Jakarta to the White House".

The problem with direct translations is that often times they never make sense. The words "menerjang" (assault or attack) and "harapan" (hope or expectation) make sense when used separately, but used together, the term "menerjang harapan" makes no sense in Indonesian. But while the term makes no sense, it does however present a mental picture to the native Indonesian speaker, the imagery of a "hopeful assault" a "struggle for victory" or to put it more bluntly, a "jihad", or as the Indonesians see it, Obama's "jihad" for the Whitehouse. For the native Indonesian speaker, this figurative language creates a mental image whereas the translation of the book's title can actually come to mean "Jihad: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse".

Posted by: Red
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 12:03 AM

lilredbird1, I'm probably not making my point properly and still probably won't be after this, but that's ok.

I don't want to shut up anyone...... not one person.

Speak your mind.... Call me a jerk...... Call me spot on...... It's your God-given right as a human being, not just as an American.

I sure as hell didn't want to see this man be our nation's president even one second, let alone four years, or more. The guy has been insulated from what's coming across as 99.999% of everything being true..... now this new bit shows up and it really might be a smoking gun to get him out under a false pretense hit........ but then what ? Biden ? Pelosi ? They're duly elected and serving, next in line. What's Biden done to force him out ? Pelosi ? Reid ? Bad legislation ? That's all gotta be ruled unconstitutional and deliberate first.

...and the very last thing I EVER want to see is the tipping point reached in America nor any violent civil unrest take place.

But it's coming unless every single person who says they believe in our nation actually does and work to preserve it.

I happen to look at things on a macro level.

I'm just asking people to wake up because there's a serious breech in our Constitution and a shell is being built around it.

There's a very good chance the overwhelming majority of people haven't a clue where the influence is stemming from making things happen that are undermining our nation and individual freedom in general.

It's not just from within and entities like OFA and the unions like SEIU. It's also external and from VERY dangerous people and groups like ICR2P (R2P here in America) and ICLEI (Look 'em up, no links - do your own research - I did - years of it). Here's a hint: Cass Sunstein is one of 'em. The most dangerous man in America.

To you, I almost definitely off on a tangent again, but believe me, I'm not. It's all interconnected.

The wild card in all this are the peace lovers, because they want it all and don't think or operate like we do or like the Left does either..... not even close. They understand one thing - death to those who disagree with their way...... and they embrace it as good.

Oh well, I'm gonna go now.

Do yourself a favor lilredbird1 (and everyone else for that matter)..... check and see if your town, county and maybe even your employer is involved with ICLEI...... If they are..... Problems...... My city is and so is my county...... I'm working locally to help try and get rid of that damnable mess.


Posted by: Kenny Solomon
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 12:40 AM

This guy the so-called President has followed Hitler's strategy to a T. A "community activest, a personal autobiogrgphy, speeches that rouse the crowds. Even getting a dog to show his soft side like Hitler. Why hasn't this been pointed out?!

Posted by: Al Shapiro
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 12:43 AM

“Obama is a real problem for Israel,” a senior official told told Yediot. “He is Israel’s biggest strategic catastrophe.”

Well, he is also America's biggest strategic catastrophe. Jeremiah Wright's prayers have been answered, God has damned America.

What I can't understand is why no one in Congress will act on his illegal "Dinner with Barack" lotteries (illegal Internet gambling) and take him down through impeachment for high crimes and/or misdemeanors. It is a fact that he orchestrated illegal Internet gambling to fund his campaign, and there is even a YouTube video online of him doing it personally. It's a Federal crime if done across state lines.

Posted by: Winged Hussar 1683
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:00 AM

Re: "On to others..... Do you really want the spectacle of a President Of The United States being taken out of The White House in handcuffs or worse..... by force ?"

We don't need to go that far. Obama waving like Richard Nixon while he gets into a helicopter after announcing his resignation (in the face of overwhelming evidence in favor of impeachment and removal from office by the Senate) will do quite well.

Posted by: Winged Hussar 1683
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:04 AM




Posted by: reliapundit
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:08 AM

This is a very unusual search engine.

Also used search engine - there are hundreds of links to this article which all link back to Atlasshrugs.

Anyhow, I seem to recall this article from a while back.

My Muslim President Obama

Asma Gull Hasan, 02.25.09, 12:00 AM EST

Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock.

Posted by: annie
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:10 AM

There have been a lot of Christian presidents but I don't remember ANY of them making protracted bows to Sowdis or other supposed muslim royalty.

The point about the obamabot trolls congregating is a valid one. They usually only assemble to devalue the truth.

I'd bet that somewhere down the road this will all be revealed as being true. I'd make any future decisions based on that .

Please excuse me, I must go vomit now.

Posted by: auntie izlam
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:11 AM

It is not a high crime or misdemeanor to be a Muslim. There is in fact nothing wrong with being an ordinary Muslim (as opposed to an Islamic supremacist or Islamofascist).

It is a high crime or misdemeanor to orchestrate an illegal gambling operation (lottery) and a rigged one in the bargain, as shown by selection of a winner (Dorothy Unruh) before the entry deadline. In other words, if N people entered, then those who entered after Unruh was picked as a winner had a 3/N instead of a 4/N chance of winning so the issue of fraud and cheating comes up as well as illegal gambling.

Q: What is the difference between "Dinner with Barack" and a numbers racket run by the mob?

A: The numbers racket run by the mob is an honest game of chance.

It is also a high crime or misdemeanor to use the resources of the Federal government, e.g. by offering somebody like Joe Sestak a position in exchange for not running against Obama's poodle Arlen Specter, to influence an election. Obama cleverly put a lot of intermediaries like Bill Clinton between himself and that one. But he's on record as personally promoting the "Dinner with Barack" lotteries.

What we need is to get somebody with a sufficiently loud (in terms of audience) voice like Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, or Sarah Palin to talk about this and make something happen in Congress, and then this guy will be gone. We will have to say "President Biden" for the next two years but it will put a hard stop to cap and trade, and also help undo some of the damage this buffoon has done not only to our relations with Israel but also the United Kingdom, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

Posted by: Winged Hussar 1683
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:16 AM

Do you really want the spectacle of a President Of The United States being taken out of The White House in handcuffs or worse..... by force ?

Yes, I do.

What then ?

He goes to jail to await his day in court like every other criminal caught and charged. Biden, most likely not hauled off with his prez (I don't see Oilbama getting busted on the eligibility issue or any other conspiracy-type crime with which Biden could be proven a part of or knowing of). He'd complete Oilbama's term. The man has the capacity/capability to be dangerous but I think he'd behave himself because he'd be under the microscope and he'd know it. And because he's a doofus who proves it each time he speaks, if he didn't do it for himself, the DNC would see to it that Biden was surrounded by staff to guide him and to shut him up when necessary (at least once daily is my guess).

And, with a lot of luck and many, many explanations of how it happened in 2008, Obama voters will learn a lesson about knowing who they vote for before casting the ballot.

I'm not much worried about a 3am knock at the door. If and when it's to the point that nobodies like me are being rounded up for posting comments in which we declare hatred for Oilbama and hopes of seeing him escorted from the White House in cuffs and shackles to be carted off to GITMO, it's too late and we've gone so far that the 3am knock is awaiting each of us in due time.

So, Kenny, what do you choose? To continue having the occasional online discussion about firearms and ammunition? Including in the signature of every posted comment the obligatory reference to weaponry and vague statements about your readiness for the worst* yet wisely hoping it never happens? Wondering daily when the other shoe will drop and how big a noise it'll make every day for the next two and a half years? As with the banking/finance industry, the auto industry, and health care, witnessing the nationalization of print journalism and the oil industry in America? Watching the next Ft Hood-type jihadi being treated like a fragile, ill man who fell victim of himself, the ture victims forgotten? More fights re terrorists to be tried in criminal courts? Two and a half years' worth of accidents and destructive acts of nature under a POTUS who sends himself on vacation until either the hard work is done or his ego is fed by protests that he's needed in DC? Another two and half years of alienating (or worse) our allies and friends while kissing and hugging or kissing the asses of our enemies? Each and every day for 2-1/2 years more being offended, insulted, angered, embarrassed, etc., by the latest from the White House? Even if you can stomach it, why should you? Assuming the country could survive another 2-1/2 years of him, why should she?

The US is a country of laws. I can tell by your comments that you don't consider yourself above the laws or an exception to them. Oilbama's not, either. All current and future politicians need to see and know that even the POTUS isn't above the law and will face justice when mind those laws!

Kenny, I want you to know that I like you and enjoy many of your posted comments, especially the funny ones, but also the ones about and by the Nascar lovin southerner who, if/when he goes, it'll be in kickin and fighting like a redneck should. So, I'm not disagreeing with you for the sake of disagreement. You may think I'm hysterical or an ass or just typing to hear the keys bang. The truth is that I've got some strong opinions, lots of new worries about the US and the future caused by the assHolabama, and too many hours at home alone due to a gimpy neck (neck pain makes me bitchy at times, too). And I may come across as too much because I'm not a writer. All BS aside, the plain truth is that I don't believe riding out another 2-1/2 years with the stealth jihadist/sabateur of America to be a best-case scenario or even the lesser of two might not even be possible. Being lead and represented by someone who hates you...and you live to tell about it? How can that be done?

Trying to think of a compromise between shackled criminal and former POTUS in good standing, I thought of Nixon and his resignation. Perhaps, convinced by strong urging of law enforcement and congress, resigning would be a better way than my dream of The One in chains with armed escorts. It would be less traumatic for the US and countries affected, of course. Still, he has to face justice, which is just as well because he can't simply be let to roam free, an enemy of the US and knowing all of her secrets.

Well, there it is: another rambling comment, one of the ones you really don't like and it's addressed to you. Try reading it at the 70wpm that I typed it and it won't take long at all. (I type messages to dumbasses at about 40wpm because they're more likely to understand iit if they take their time reading it.)

Posted by: AuntieMadder
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 01:38 AM

I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

I Love the picture that has Obama painted like the Joker. LOL

What a clown!

Click on my name to see it.

Posted by: Kenny
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 02:28 AM

Denis Prager has it right:

the Obama bastard is not the main problem. The real problem is the people who voted for him. Something has gone terribly wrong.

There are ways and means to get rid of him, but his enablers are still pulling the strings. The problem is far bigger than we realize!

Posted by: sheik yer'mami
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 02:42 AM


I'm sorry, but we're not sheep being herded or something Pamela, we need sources. You can't just have a quote and then a link to a blog where some guy's wife "picked up" the convo on TV. We're not stupid or something, at least have a decent source.

And you wonder why the mainstream media didn't pick it up? Cause the source is some guy's wife who claims to have heard it on TV!!!!! That's not journalism.

And even if you found the video I still wouldn't trust you for the simple reason that YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ARABIC.

This is pathetic honestly, I'm conservative but this s garbage, plain and simple.

Don't be sheep people, have a brain. Pamela Geller is not a real journalist. Journalists have sources. She is empowered by the fact that you believe this nonsense. "Well I heard from this guy whose wife said so and so that Obama is a Muslim!" Ummmm, that's not journalism lady.

Posted by: Susan
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 02:43 AM

Is Obama Christian, Muslim, Atheist, American, Kenyan, Indonesian, White, Black, Arab, Socialist, Communist, or what?

In fact, he is none of the above. He is a chameleon. Never knowing his father, abandoned by his mother, dragged from place to place, no roots anywhere, he learned to survive by observing his surroundings and blending in. It's not just the lack of a paper trail -- wherever Obama lived, studied, or worked, former colleagues struggle to remember anything about him.

Obama's praise for Islam is just the usual multi-culti flimflam about how we're all the same and just need to understand each other so we can live together in peace. World leaders smile politely when Obama talks, but they know that this preening naif is neither a credible threat nor a dependable ally.

Posted by: Dave
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 03:01 AM

Charlatan is also a good description of Obama.

Posted by: Kenny
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 03:26 AM

I came to believe Obuma was Muslim when he announced that anyone who said he was anything but a Christian at polling stations would be arrested by his "truth squads". and prosecuted. I also noticed all the news stories regarding the wieght he lost during after Ramadan in 2009 that was attributed to stress, and the fact his family does not celebrate birthday's or Christmas.

Posted by: Justsayin
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 04:07 AM

I used to think this was just another conspiracy theory, I figured that Obama was just another as*hole Leftist jerk, a con man & a fraud. Of course, I never thought of him as belonging to any Christian denomination, I wouldn't call the Rev. Wright's racist church Christian in any meaningful sense. He had Muslim connexions, very true, and according to Muslim law, he's definitely Muslim.

Now, however, after watching his performance for a year & 1/2 - I really do think he's a Muslim, that he considers himself Muslim. His actions go way beyond just a sympathetic view of Islam - his actions indicate a loyalty to Islam.

I think we are all in BIG TROUBLE.

Posted by: Terry, Eilat - Israel
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 04:21 AM

First of all, let's not trust Adul Gheit to necessarily tell the truth. And second of all, you should all know that our current president normally talks out of his ass. He blatantly lies without any clear motive and has ALWAYS tailored his rhetoric to his audience. Therefore, whatever Mr Obama might have said, it is not all clear what he intended, if anything.

Personally I don't think he even listens to himself. Whenever he is speaking off script he has his foot in his mouth and his head up his ass. The listeners are grasping at straws trying to find meaning in verbal garbage.

But he is certainly anti-Israeli and pro-Arab regardless of what he says to an Arab diplomat off the record. This I judge by his actions (and inactions) not his words.

Posted by: Telly
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 04:47 AM

Bribery is an impeachable offense. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: "The President, Vice President and all civil oficers of the United states, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

But nobody does it.

Posted by: sarastro
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 04:52 AM

Israelis are very worried by this president, Muslim or not. Please take a look at this link to an article at YNET yesterday:,7340,L-3903698,00.html

Posted by: John
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 05:47 AM

I don't believe any of you people have read the book "Audacity of Hope". You just might have a different viewpoint. In it he speaks about his faith and how he came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Posted by: Mike
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 06:17 AM


I for one have not read any book written by BH Obama. And I could not possibly care less what is written (or by whom) and published under Obama's name.


I completely agree with the article you linked above. I'll be looking for other articles by your friend, Yiron Festinger.

Posted by: Telly
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 06:35 AM

Hey Mike, did he come to that loving, saving knowledge of Christ through his attendance at the loving, compassionate sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah ("God Damn America," "everything is all about me") Wright? Just asking.

Posted by: ghostoflectricity
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 07:31 AM

@Winged Hussar 1683, it IS a high crime, misdemeanor and SEDITION (as I understand it) to fraudulently take the oath of office. Muslims cannot be loyal to and defend the constitution of the USA. Muslims are by definition loyal to shariah law and the Qur'an as their form of governance.

Keith Ellison - the Muslim Rep from MN - may have taken the oath of office fraudulently. Every Muslim who has become a 'citizen' of the USA may have taken their oath of citizenship fraudulently. No devout Muslim is here in the USA as a citizen. They are here as invaders. Indeed, it's not a crime to be a Muslim in the USA. But it may be a crime to pretend loyalty to the constitution of the USA. If Mr. Obummah is a 'true' Muslim, then he has lied regarding his loyalties.

Christians are taught to be obedient to every civil law except in issues of profound conflict with faith. Persons of other faiths have no issue supporting the constitution of the USA. Muslims, however, are bound to believe that every other form of governance must be subjected to shariah law as a matter of course. They cannot believe otherwise or behave otherwise and remain true Muslims. The apparent, loyal 'citizenship' of Muslims is nothing more than taqiyyah - or their own lack of understanding of and devotion to Islam.

If Mr. Obummah really is a Muslim and refuses to publicly renounce Islam, then the game is over for him and he must go - along with many other Muslims who refuse to renounce Islam. Proving that Mr. Obummah is a Muslim may not be so difficult. The evidence is mounting. Atlas has been telling us FOR-EVER. KAFIR AND PROUD!

Posted by: Wonderin1
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 07:39 AM

remember pamella showed us he may have met with farah the con on memorial day? well yesterday the new black panther party declared war on the tea party. i think there is going to alot of violence this summer because the imposter in chief is getting desperate which makes him more dangerous.

Posted by: james stamulis
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 07:40 AM

Obama in his own words:

But my journey is part of a larger journey – one shared by all who’ve ever sought to apply the values of their faith to our society. It’s a journey that takes us back to our nation’s founding, when none other than a UCC church inspired the Boston Tea Party and helped bring an Empire to its knees.

- Barack Hussein Obama

Posted by: Red
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 07:44 AM


I'm fairly sure we don't have 2-1/2 years..... It's also my opinion that we may not have 2-1/2 months...... The left needs a real tangible 'crisis too good to waste' engaged before November to swing the elections their way (if they allow the elections to happen - which is another and seriously dangerous ballgame entirely and would trigger 'problems'). That's basically been my point - I should have simply come out and said it that way.

The Left - even some of the real nutjobs - are starting to see the writing on the wall. Americans are waking up and everybody with a decent knowledge of history knows the left is capable of anything to get their way, including generating and/or staging 'events' to serve their own purposes.

Patriots like us - we believe in The Constitution the rule of law, etc. - the folks I get in tons of trouble for in calling them "real Americans" - have a problem with violating The Constitution and the law..... I know I sure as hell do.

So what do I want ?

Am I ready to turn The Flag upside down, locked and loaded ? No - nobody should want that either.

Do I want to see our Dictator In Training Pants frog-marched out of The White House through the garbage door ?........ Honest answer: Absolutely positively 110% yes. I deeply believe the man is evil and have held that belief since the first time I ever saw him.

Is it good for the nation to see that happen ? No and yes. No, in that is sends a dire message that we're out of control and yes in that it sends a message that 'the people' and the rule of law are still the bosses, not the politicians.

Do I want to see VP Biden as POTUS ? For the comic relief alone, that would be teh awesum for many people - especially someone like me who can get quite the snarkified at times. ;-)

But you're right - the entire WH staff would "change" (heh) - the current crop of subversives would be forced out in disgrace and deservedly so. The new group's first and main charge would be to prevent the newly installed President Foot-In-Mouth from

What do I think is going to happen ?

I'm positive that our POTUS and his people, especially his owners (Soros and higher) are convinced that Americans will simply go quietly into the Socialistic night and toe whatever line they're fed. They don't know "us" and they cannot have our nation.

We're gonna have one hell of a 'home renovation project' coming up and the general contractor is each and every one of us. We just need some people like Mike Holmes to keep the rebuild going smooth - and we have them....... My money's on folks like Michelle Bachman (US House), Chris Christie (NJ Governor) and my friend Allen West (Congressional Candidate here in Florida) to spark more truly good folks to join in at their levels.

God help us all if we have to 'sound the charge' and rely on folks like Mr. Remington, Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.

Cheers my friend !


PS......If I ever tried to type at 70 words per minute, this is what you'd see: Twj3fvp/ew[f7fp;sv fjwervjpg v[s[s3dfpj70apgfm.


Posted by: Kenny Solomon
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 08:01 AM

Saying “I am a Christian” does not make someone a Christian.

Saying “Jesus Christ died for my sins” does not reveal whether or not you believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead.

Obama has never publicly said the words “Jesus is Lord, and I believe that God has raised Him from the dead.”

But he has publicly said the words ”Allahu Akbar” and more.

The confessions of Obama’s own mouth reveal him to be a Muslim, not a Christian.

Posted by: Red
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 08:02 AM

Now that Obama has admitted what others obviously knew in 2008; maybe 70% of voting American Jews will not vote for Obamam in 2012 as they did in 2008.

Posted by: airandee
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 08:15 AM

barack hussein obama continues to enjoy profound support from the American Jewish community to spite all that has happened. The only thing I can draw from this is that American Jews don't give one jot for the State of Israel or for the situation the Jewish people face worldwide.

I personally always believed that obama's school records always indicated that he indicated Religion: Islam and that is why he refused to release them.

The question of obama's faith or lack thereof is interesting. Calling obama a "Christian" because he belonged to a black liberation theology congregation is disingenuous. Rev. Wright's congregation fed on hate for anything not black. That may be 'religion' to some people, but it doesn't pass the litmus test. I think that barack hussein obama found he was able to sit through Rev. Wright's blistering indictments of white people on a weekly basis because it played to his personal prejudice. Rev. Wright's hatred for America and Americans also translated to his hatred for Israel. As a closet Muslim, obama, the politician was able to reconcile that faith with his voting public, where he couldn't acknowledge Islam.

Posted by: Larry Lambert
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 08:31 AM

Posted by: Susan
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 02:43 AM

Pamela Geller is not a real journalist. Journalists have sources. She is empowered by the fact that you believe this nonsense. "Well I heard from this guy whose wife said so and so that Obama is a Muslim!" Ummmm, that's not journalism lady.

You're full of shit. Go read Pamela's "about" page and learn about her decades-long career in news journalism, including the reputable news outlets that print/publish her articles today. Then have a big, fat crow for lunch.

She can't locate the original video clip in which Gheit makes the statement. She does, however, cite Isreal Today, NPR and others who've seen the clip and/or interviewed Gheit.

Since you insist Oilbama isn't Muslim, explain this:

Posted by: AuntieMadder
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 08:57 AM

The White House has been usurped by a foreign power, where are the generals.?!

Posted by: eloivsdiablo
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 09:20 AM

Obama has got to be the worst moozlim ever, IF that's what he claims to be. Real jihadis must consider him an apostate (eligible for death) because he adheres to NONE of the tenets of the cult. They are using and manipulating him to get to us and Israel, and their plan is working quite well.

Posted by: roadmaster
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 09:46 AM

Sorry I got all cheesed off, Kenny. I understand what you mean. This has everyone on edge and I think we all bristle at being told we need to watch what we say. But part of recognizing the reality is including the elements you refer to.

Posted by: lilredbird1
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 09:59 AM

No worries at all lilredbird1.

We're all after the same thing....... Saving our nation.

Who's on edge though ?

Us ?

Why should we be on some sort of razor's edge that can be tripped to the breaking point by the littlest thing ?


Cheers !


Posted by: Kenny Solomon
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:10 AM


Posted by: CommieBlaster
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:24 AM

“The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim,” said Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Nile TV.


In confidence, eh? He then goes on TV and tells everyone!

Sounds like a guy you can trust, O-bozo!

I wonder if MEMRI-TV has the interview on Nile TV.

Posted by: Person of the Book
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:25 AM

"dr" who posted:

"you bunch of paranoid conspriracy freak-a-zoids crack me up! Were you yelling for impeachment when we had war criminals in the white house? "

And exactly which of President Bush's policies has BO abandoned? What is he doing that makes him less of a war criminal (hmph! what rubbish) than Bush? Seriously. He's following Bush's policy in Afghanistan, actually going much further and operating in lands he shouldn't be in (which is fine with me) and using drones to kill terrorists and whomever else happens to be hanging around just then. He's also sending far more resources over there (hint: that means more military) than Bush ever was able to do. But that's okay? You sure you're worried about "war criminals" and not just being partisan and anti-Bush?

Posted by: Fuzzy
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:31 AM

So let me get this straight. A conservative Christian website reprints (without link) a commentary piece from an Israeli magazine whose author says his wife heard an Egyptian TV broadcast - six months ago - where someone said Obama told him privately that he's really a Muslim.

That's some well-sourced material right there. Don't know how anyone could possibly doubt it.

Posted by: There's one born every minute
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:33 AM

I was going to say the same as above. I'm not a huge fan of the way Obama does things and I've suspected him of being an undercover terrorist for a couple years, (Just by how much he favors Islam and blows everyone else off, and has obviously made it his mission to destroy relationship between U.S. and Israel), But how reliable is this source? There's no links to outside sources or anything. If this is a conservative Christian website as stated above, there REALLY needs to be some kind of sources because otherwise that is a little deceitful, and is honestly just gossip. And gossip is not smiled upon by Jesus :].

Posted by: Daniel
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 10:57 AM

Firstly Pamela Geller is a journalist, and due to the high risk of being sued by muslim thugs she really does make sure that all she states is adequately referenced. I do not know if obama is a muslim, but it is clear that he is less than honest. His past is undefined, his records hidden and one is lead to ask WHY?? Usually, the reasons for suppression of one's past are not pleasant. So why is such a man the president of the USA????

Posted by: keith
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 11:01 AM

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

I sent that question to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.

The following is his reply:

Theologically - No. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - No. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam (Koran, 2:256)

Sculpturally - No. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Koran).

Geographically - No. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - No. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - No. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and Destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - No. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34).

Intellectually - No. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - No. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - No. Because when we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore after much study and deliberation.... perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both "good" Muslims and good Americans.

Call it what you wish.... it's still the truth.

Posted by: Robert Hamilton
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 12:02 PM

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American Thinker Follow the Money to nail Global Warming Hoax Newsmax Wafa Sultan Book Review Newsmax "A God who Hates," Wafa Sultan: Pamela Geller, Book Review Pamela Geller, Frontpage Magazine Interview: Obama’s Landscape of Anti-Semitism Wishful thinking, biased reporting endanger Rifqa Bary American Thinker Rifqa Bary In Solitary Confinement Human Events Frontpage Interview, Pamela Geller: Imposing Sharia In Ohio Free Speech Silenced at Columbia and Princeton Newsmax Pamela Geller Interview, Right Side News: Muslim Terror in Mumbai, A year later Brace Yourself for a Nuclear Iran Newsmax Muslim Groups Shut Down Free Speech at Ivy League Schools Newsmax Free Speech Silenced at Columbia and Princeton American Thinker We're All Practicing Shariah With Fort Hood Terror Alibis Newsmax Obama Redefines Rush to Judgment Newsmax Obama's Rush to Judgment Big Government RINOs, An Endangered Species American Thinker Anti-Semitic Posts on Obama’s Web Site Newsmax Bye Bye RINOS American Thinker Time to Kick Out the RINOs — Dede Scozzafava First Newsmax Pamela Geller, The Front Page Interview: Rally for Rifqa Ohio Christian Girl Still Trying to Escape Muslim Parents Newsmax Pamela Geller Interview, Front Page Magazine: Obama's hub of hate Obama's Wealth Redistribution Scheme Is No Secret Newsmax Obama's True Lies American Thinker Rifqa Bary’s Family Risks Deportation, Newsmax Criticizing Islam? Sorry, You're Cancelled Human Events The Front Page Interview: Pamela Geller on Rifqa Bary Obama Policies Yield Poisonous Fruit Israel National News ACORN Throws Out Republican Voter Registrations Big Government Obama’s Israel Policies Bear Fruit Newsmax Obama Making America Less Safe Newsmax Is This Any Way To Fight A War? American Thinker Obama’s ACORN a Criminal Organization Newsmax Obama and Acorn America Thnker Obama vs. America Newsmax Is Newsweek Trying to Kill Rifqa Bary? Human Events Newsweek Shows Anti-Rifqa Bary Bias Newsmax Is Newsweek Trying to Kill Rifqa Bary American Thinker 9-11: The Desecration American Thinker Islamic Groups Intensify Fight Against Rifqa Bary Newsmax Rifqa Bary Cannot Be Sent Back to Family Newsmax Palin, One Year Later Newsmax 'Apostate' girl's father Washington Times Rifqa's Apostasy Human Events America-Hating Obama Goes After CIA Newsmax An Underground Railroad for a Muslim Girl Front Page Magazine Media Attacks: Rifqa Bary American Thinker 'Apostate' Girl's Father: The Unreported Story American Thinker Media Lies About Rifqa Bary Newsmax Obama's State Department Submits to Islam American Thinker Humiliating Hillary Newsmax Rifqa Bary, Dad Claims Brainwashing As Muslim Girl Fears He’ll Kill Her Newsmax Rifqa Bary, "My Life is at Stake" Newsmax Obama’s Thugs Stifling Free Speech Newsmax Now Being American Is Un-American American Thinker Chicago's Thug Tactics American Thinker ‘Racism’ Cries a Tired Obama Double-Standard Newsmax The Certificate Circus Newsmax The Missing Envoy Human Events Obama Unmasked: 40 Czars Later Israel National News Palin's Commencement Address The American Thinker Obama's Race Baiting Must End Newsmax More Honor Killings In The West, Yet No Outrage Human Events Obama's racist demagoguery World Net daily Obama's Immoral Authority The American Thinker ISNA's U.S. Government-Approved Racist Hatefest Human Events Obama Grovels to Russia American Thinker Palin in 2012! World Net Daily Honduras and Iran: Obama Betrays Freedom Again American Thinker The case for Iran: Fighting for Freedom American Thinker Will Obama Bow to Syria too World Net Daily Michael Jackson Dead, Media Has New Excuse to Ignore Iran Canada Free Press North Korea: The March to War American Thinker Front Page Magazine Interview: Pamela Geller It Has Always Been the Mullahs The American Thinker Shepard Smith Has Got to Go World Net Daily Honoring the Victims of Honor Killing The American Thinker Obama's Islam:Now he tells us World Net Daily The Halimi Cover-Up Israel National News Ilan Halimi Front Page magazine Fast Times at Disaster High American Thinker Victimhood or Brotherhood? Family Security Matters Mission Accomplished! American Thinker Obama and Israel After 100 Days Canada Free Press Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes The American Thinker Feeding the Crocodile Israel National News Indomitable Israel Israel National News Burning Down the House New Media Journal Obama, the Muslim Thing and why it Matters Israel National News Judeophobia Israel National News (This also appeared in The Washington Times) here Peace Stalkers vs. Annihilationists New Media Journal Atlas: Newsmax Contributor SUBMISSION USA Submits to Islamic Supremacism Respect it! The Difference Between Bush and Obama on Islam Atlas Speaks At Your Next Event Gotham Artists Have Atlas Speak at Your Event contact: Add me to your TypePad People list Search me SEARCH ATLAS Gadgets powered by Google BANNED ON GOOGLE: FORBIDDEN Enter your search terms Web Submit search form SEARCH HERE AboutGRANDE CONSERVATIVE BLOGRESS DIVA 2010 Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2009 Grande Conservative Blogress Diva WEBLOG AWARDS THIRD PLACE! < Blog Awards Translate Atlas Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Lativian Lithuanian Maltese Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian VietnameseBecause "I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly when one can't see the details. Just the shapes. The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? And then people tell me about pilgrimages to some dank pesthole in a jungle where they go to do homage to a crumbling temple, to a leering stone monster with a pot belly, created by some leprous savage. Is it beauty and genius they want to see? Do they seek a sense of the sublime? Let them come to New York, stand on the shore of the Hudson, look and kneel. When I see the city from my window - no, I don't feel how small I am - but I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings with my body. Ayn RandFollow me on FACEBOOK & TWITTER Follow me on Twitter FOLLOW ME NetworkedBlogs Blog: Atlas Shrugs Topics: Follow my blog SUPPORT WILDERS LEGAL DEFENSE FUND! Please Donate NOW! Artist: Bosch Fawstin DONATE -- its your fight too WATCH WILDERS AT CPAC! 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NYC Mayoral Race NYC Times Square Jihad: Deadly Car Bomb Obama's Birth Certificate Forgery Obama's Contributions: Foreign and Domestic Obama's Corruption Eruption Obama's Mafia Presidency Obama's Shadow Government Obama's Submission Tour to Muslim Countries Obama's Website: Hub for hate, terror and antisemitism Obama's Worthless Nobel Obama: Lethal for Israel Obama: Post American Immorality OIC: Oppression and Submission One of the Really Good Guys Pajama Media OSM Pakistan: One Bullet Away from Jihad Nuke Paul Williams: Islamberg Pentagon Islamic Infiltration Personal, Brain on paper Philosophy and its Importance PJTV Pollard Pope Fights For Right President Hussein PWR: Pamela's Weekend Recap Radio Interviews Radio: Sunday Night Conversation with Atlas Rainbow Human Rights Coalition Refugee Resettlement: The quiet Jihad tsunami Religion Relinguishing our Sovereignty to Islamicized UN Republicans, Get a Clue Restoration Weekend 08 Restoration Weekend 2009 Rifqa Bary: Teenage Apostate in America Right to Return Ruse RINOs RNC 2008 Russia: Still the Evil (ex)Empire Saturday Night Cinema SCOTUS September the 11th Simmering Civil War in America Sinister Saudi Arabia, Home of Wahhabism SIOA "Leaving Islam" Bus Campaign SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America SIOE Sitemeter Slavery: An Arab custom Socialism SOROS: The Black Hand South Africa: Genocide of White South Africans South America Spain's Islamic Kingdom State Dept: Arabist Fifth Column Sudan Freedom Walk Sudan, Niger, Darfur, Mauratania-Genocide Child rape, Slavery Sunday Book Club Super Post-Nuclear Weapons Supreme Court Showdown - Fight Krytocracy Switzerland: Neutral for Nazis Syria, Rotten to Core, Iran's Whore Take Back America! Taqiya:Deception to advance Islam Taxes: Nothing short of Slavery Tennessee Tea Party Coalition: Free Speech Terri Schindler Schiavo Terror in Thailand: Islamic Jihad gone Mad The Gift of the Jews The GREAT REVERSE SCHLEP: Save the Jews Tour THE NEW CONSERVATIVE: TAKING BACK THE GOP The New Racism THE PEACE RACKET The Post-American Presidency By Pamela Geller with Robert Spencer The Truth About Islam Transnationalsm: Relinguishing American Sovereignty to Islamicized UN Travel Turkey's Re-Islamization UN: Arm of Radical Islam Universal Healthcare Kills Universal Voter Registration US MILITARY GREATNESS and Real American Heroes USA /Israeli Relations Wal-Mart: Warfare on Big Business War on Israel: First Came Jihad "Flotilla" Weblogs Where is John Galt? White House 2008: PICKING THE CANDIDATES WHITE HOUSE 2012 WHITE HOUSE: THE RACE TO NOVEMBER Who is Ismail Ax? WMD Women and children Women for Sarah Palin Workplace jihad World War IV Young America's Foundation Conference YouTube jihad ATLAS ON THE AIR Tuesdays on Jaz McKay Show, 1560 KNZR at 4pm Eastern. Listen LIVE. Thursdays on Jamie Allman's Morning Show, .971 FM talk7am EST ALL ATLAS INTERVIEW PODCASTS Islamic Jihad MY LAWYER! click for SITA kit EMAIL OUR TROOPS THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS June 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Breastfed on Blood Born to Murder Life Cover, June 1970 Palestinian Child Abuse Zombie's Hall of Shame BIG LIES: DEMOLISHING THE MYTHS OF THE PROPAGANDA WAR AGAINST ISRAEL HERE Your email address: Powered by FeedBlitz Atlas on TV! Hannity! Red Eye! Atlas on Video! And Radio! Watch ATLAS Vlogs here! Listen to Atlas Radio Shows here! Ayn Rand at 100: "Yours is the Glory" Speaking to the unnamed, unchampioned, beating heart of her new land, Ayn was to say: 'Yours is the glory.'" A man whose ability and independence leads others to reject him, but who perseveres nevertheless to achieve his values. Man as an individual, as a creator. What's the most depraved type of human being? Not a sadist or a murderer or a sex maniac or a dictator; "The man without a purpose." Yet most people seem to go through their lives without a clearly defined purpose. Barter Life has Loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fires that sways and swing, And children's faces looking up, Holding wonder like a cup Life has Loveliness to sell, Music like a curve of Gold, Scent of pinetrees in the rain, Eyes that love you, arms that hold, And for your spirit's still delight, Holy stars that star the night. Spend all you have for loveliness, Buy it and never count the cost; For one white singing hour of Peace Count many a year of strife well lost And for a breath of ecstasy Give all you have been, or could be. 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Steven King (R-IA) "I'm cheering you on!" -- Amanda Carpenter "Great site," Dick Morris "A brash New Yorker and an irrepressible firebrand" -- Robert Tracinski, The Freedom Fighter's Journal and The Intellectual Activist "Indeed, some of Israel's best friends and most articulate defenders can be found in the blogosphere .... Atlas Shrugs, [et al] all provide a refreshing alternative to the moral relativism and politically correct anti-Israel blather of the media. Michael Freund, Jerusalem Post "She does more in one week than most of us do in a frickin' lifetime -- Pamela Geller!" -- Jaz McKay, Talk Radio KNZR "Influential online fanatic" --- Max Blumenthal, Writer, Al Jazeera and The Nation "I never go to MSM for news. Atlas is where I go. I am amazed at all that is happening, that only Atlas readers know about"". --- JCL, Atlas reader "The heroine of the right wing blogosphere. 'We’re all Pamela Geller now!'” -- Charles Johnson, mental patient Atlas ShrugsPowered by TypePad

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